
One last followup:

On Fri, Jun 22, 2012 at 4:48 PM, Frank Zhang <> wrote:

> Let's say the host having two nics, one is staying on a high bandwidth
> network that can access primary storage(the nfs share), another is on a
> different network.
> Ideally a route specifying that access to primary storage should go thru
> high bandwidth network will make mount perform faster. But CloudStack
> hasn't set such sort of route on host for primary storage yet.

In the scenario where the primary storage target IP is within the same IP
block as the "high bandwidth" interface you describe, I don't think that a
route should be needed beyond the normal block level route that sends
traffic out that interface.  My assumption is that the host's default
gateway is going out the other interface in this scenario.

Do you agree that this is the case, and that the issue only pertains to
scenarios where the traffic would need a specific route to send traffic to
a gateway on that storage network?


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