> -----Original Message-----
> From: Vijayendra Bhamidipati [mailto:vijayendra.bhamidip...@citrix.com]
> Sent: Wednesday, 20 June 2012 12:16
> To: 'cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org'
> Cc: Kelven Yang; Sateesh Chodapuneedi; Devdeep Singh
> Subject: Query regarding where to store encryption keys
> Hi Team,
> This is with reference to bug CS-15151
> (http://bugs.cloudstack.org/browse/CS-15151). I have some questions and
> it would be great if you could share your knowledge and suggestions.
> We have a need to store credentials required to login to vCenter, so
> that that cloudstack management server can log in and talk to it. We
> store these credentials in the cloud.cluster_details table. Similarly,
> we also need to store the username/password required to login to a
> Nexus 1000v virtual supervisor module, and we store that password in
> the cloud.virtual_supervisor_module table.
> Currently, these passwords are stored in clear text, which is not
> desirable.
> Since we need to be able to reconstruct/retrieve the password within
> the management server, we cannot simply store the hash(salt + password)
> in the database. We can do that only when the user provides the
> password each time, so that we can check the hash of the salt (which we
> should be generating separately for each password to make rainbow
> attacks tougher) + password against the hash stored in the tables.
> It looks like there are two ways to go about implementing a solution -
> encryption, or secret sharing.
> If we encrypt the password using a key (that is probably best
> autogenerated like a salt), we can use that key to decrypt the password
> each time we need to use that password to login to the Nexus VSM or
> vCenter. But, storing that key in the same database where the encrypted
> passwords reside would defeat the purpose of encryption. So, how best
> to store these encryption keys for passwords? Does it help to store
> them in a separate schema? Or a totally different database on some
> other server and make it an option to the mgmt server installer to
> create this new db on a new server? And where do we store the
> credentials to login to that db server?? How do databases get stolen in
> the first place? What can anyone do if the db root password is
> compromised?
> Is there a concept of a "hidden table" in MySQL? Something that can
> only be viewed by some one privileged user or role and nobody else, and
> never gets exported by standard export tools? Even if such an option
> exists, it probably still won't help since we cannot afford to lose
> encryption keys during db migration. I'm just thinking aloud here.
> The second option, generating secret shares from passwords, relies on
> hiding the algorithm that we use to generate secret shares from some
> data. Since cloudstack code is opensource, two ways we could make this
> secure would be 1) to have a (n, n) secret key generation scheme, so
> that all n shares are required to reconstruct the password, and we
> store n-1 shares on the db, and store the 1 remaining share somewhere
> really secure. Unfortunately this again boils down to an encryption key
> model. In our case we could have n=2.  2) to allow the customer to
> plugin her own secret share generation algorithm, but I feel that in
> itself could be a potential security risk, unless we sandbox it in some
> robust way.
> It would be great if you could provide your views. This problem looks
> byzantine and I don't know if it has a simple/elegant solution.
> Regards,
> Vijay

  CloudStack already has DB encryption support. To encrypt column in a table 
add encryptable=true attribute to the corresponding VO. For example, see 
password column in core/src/com/cloud/network/VpnUserVO.java. "About Password 
and Key Encryption" section in install guide [1] has more info.
  Please let me know if you have further questions.


[1] http://download.cloud.com/releases/3.0.0/CloudStack3.0InstallGuide.pdf

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