Hi, I'm trying to get the servlet work on eclipse, too.
I've read the documentation, and did as described.
But I could not figure out the setup is useful, except
searching the code.
I wonder does anybody actually using this?
What's the standard setup to write or debug the code?

I could not understand the concept why there're so many
java class packages distributed over many separate projects?
For example, agent, agent-simulator, core and server
has each com.cloud.agent package classes.

(2012/06/08 19:17), guang wu wrote:
hi, friends! i have set up the develop environment for eclipse according
that "How to set up a CloudStack development environment" document(
but find some error in these project! i don't know whether effect
development, and i don't know how to debug the project, such as how to set
break point(source code) follow the program every step handle as the same
other java web /java application project . can you help me ? thanks!

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