The vm is Ubuntu right? Which version of Ubuntu is it... Please attempt to 
deploy the new template and capture SMlog and xensource.log on the host, paste 
that to<> for others to analyze.


On Jun 7, 2012, at 5:43 PM, "Jewel Nuruddin" 
<<>> wrote:

Yes, we also hope basic setup should not be so hard,
My setup is
CloudStack 3.0.2(CentOS 6.0.5)
CItrix XenServer 6.0.2
Both PC Configuration is same
CPU 3.0Ghz (VT suportade)
I use my Cloud Manager server as storage place(primary and secondary)
I can create guest vm from sample template and from ISO(I download it)
After that when I try to create sanpshot....this is OK and from snapshot I can 
create template but from this tamplate I could not create new guest vm
Also form that snapshot I can not crate volume.

Here I attached a sample log from catalina.out.

I can send you more log, if you need more.


--- On Fri, 6/8/12, Edison Su 
<<>> wrote:

From: Edison Su <<>>
Subject: RE: Why very basic is not working in CloudStack
 "'Jewel Nuruddin'" <<>>
Date: Friday, June 8, 2012, 3:24 AM

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Jewel Nuruddin 
> [</mc/compose?>]
> Sent: Thursday, June 07, 2012 7:36 AM
> To: 
>  cloudstack-
> Subject: Why very basic is not working in CloudStack
> Hi All,
> Sorry to write this mail but I am stuck with this CloudStack.
> The following setup should be very basic and every body can start with
> minimum effort.
> Like create guest vm, create temple, download ISO,
> Most important is create snapshot/volume/and create template from guest
> vm and can create guest vm again from that snapshot or template -->
> this should be very basic and can be done with easy setup but if I see
> discussion forum almost every body fall problem with this of course
> including me and still try to overcome this but can not.
> After the above setup there have many more setup specially
> network,firewall backup, we should discuss about this but we are on a
> basic stage
> So my concern is why we can not run with minimum setup from
> documentation or FAQ or discussion.

Shouldn't be that hard to have a basic CloudStack setup...:) Could you send 
more logs or information about your setup,
Such as, cloudstack version, hypervisor version, which storage are u using etc?

> Again I am sorry to write this mail, but I really want to work with
> this CloudStack.

Please send your issues/concern about Cloudstack to this mailing list. The 
community will be happy to help.

> Thanks
> Jewel

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