---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: guang wu <kingkissk...@gmail.com>
Date: 2012/6/5
Subject: How can i get documentation about CloudStack project ?
To: cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org

Hi, friends, i'm intersted in the project(CloudStack), i want to do
something change about this project, such as developed it that add some
function,update some function...and so on, but i don't found detailed
information about how to development CloudStack, i found the most of
documentation that about how to use it , can you help me ?  Another
question is about DB, the same as last question,i can't any document about
DB, i want to get details documentation about DB's design and DB's
introduce. at last ,  i download the source code about CloudStack project ,
but i can't compile for eclipse, the source code missing console project ,i
need help for you, thanks !

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