On Thu, May 31, 2012 at 10:03 AM, Daniel Kulp <dk...@apache.org> wrote:
> On Thursday, May 31, 2012 03:33:34 AM David Nalley wrote:
>> Prachi:
>> Is there no other option than wsdl4j?  (Axis perhaps?)  While we can
>> include CPL-licensed code there's additional overhead to doing so, and
>> if there's a permissive open source license available, esp. an ASLv2
>> licensed piece of software it strikes me as less painful all the way
>> around.
> Both CXF and Axis2 use wsdl4j.   :-(
> Axis2 did at one point get a snapshot of it relicensed to ASLv2, but that
> was based on wsdl4j 1.4.something and no effort was taken to keep it up to
> date.
> Dan

Bah - great illustration of why not to send half-researched emails at
3am in the morning. That said - we could potentially make axis2 a
dependency - some distros even carry it in their default repos. Might
make it more difficult to build and use from source or use on less
cutting edge distros like RHEL.


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