Hi, I've spent lots of time trying to debug why does it take so long for the management server to answer the: "listUsageRecords&pagesize=1000&page=X" query. When I ask for 500 records I get results in about 5-6 seconds. If I increase the pagesize to 1000 I need to wait 12 seconds to start getting any response.
This means to me somewhere there is a massive bottleneck either in mysql or the way cs generates the pages for response. I have tcpdumped and got proof that the sql server responds and delivers 1000 records in 300ms and after the management "hesitates" for about 10 seconds before sends the respond down to the client. It seems there is a conversion/parsing algorithm somewhere in CS that struggles with the data. I have and account with a month worth usage records (35k, 35 pages) and takes about 7 minutes (408sec) to get the all the data via "listUsageRecords&pagesize=1000&page=X". Every page adds a ~12 seconds delay (408/35=11.6). I have checked the server load and cpu utilization but nothing. Java is around 10% of CPU and the load is 0.06. This is just one account... Any advice or suggestion is appreciated. Regards Tamas Monos DDI +44(0)2034687012 Chief Technical Office +44(0)2034687000 Veber: The Hosting Specialists Fax +44(0)871 522 7057 http://www.veber.co.uk<http://www.veber.co.uk/> Follow us on Twitter: www.twitter.com/veberhost<http://www.twitter.com/veberhost> Follow us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/veberhost<http://www.facebook.com/veberhost>