On Fri, May 18, 2012 at 11:37 AM, Robert Schweikert <rjsch...@suse.com> wrote:
> On 05/17/2012 01:26 AM, David Nalley wrote:
>> Hi folks:
>> I saw the recent changes to the dependency license page[1] and wanted
>> to discuss XAPI API - which I think is the xenserver-java package. I
>> don't think this is in any of the currently targeted distributions.
> And I just learned that this is Citrix-Xen specific, which would be a reason
> that it is not in any distribution, i.e. no such bindings are part of the
> Xen.org code.
> This would imply that there is a potential that CloudStack depends on APIs
> that are only available in the Citrix incarnation of Xen. This in turn would
> put CS into an unfortunate position as CloudStack will not be able to run on
> any distribution that supports Xen (Xen.org origin), but will only be able
> to run on distros that also get Citrix-Xen.
> This newly gained insight of course makes some of the earlier comments i
> made in this thread useless. What would have to happen is that the
> generation code would have to be pushed to Xen.org and CloudStack would have
> to limit itself to those APIs.
>> I
>> maintain this package for Fedora and EPEL (so you can install it on
>> EL6.2 - but it's using a non-supported yum repo to do so.) Also I
>> don't ship the patched version that ships with CloudStack today - I
>> build from source as Fedora and EPEL have guidelines around patches,
>> one of which requires at least upstreaming patches - and honestly I
>> can't even find an upstream repo for it, much less a record of where
>> the patches have been upstreamed.
>> I am pretty certain that aside from my packaging work, no other distro
>> has the above package - and a quick google supports that belief.
>> --David
>> [1]
>> http://wiki.cloudstack.org/display/dev/Moving+dependencies+to+ASF+approved+licenses
> Based on the above I think there is a lot of clarification necessary w.r.t.
> the dependency list and it is necessary to sort out what the Citrix product
> will use (Citrix-Xen presumably) and what an open source incarnation of
> CloudStack depends on.

I suspect we'll have similar issues around vmware - which incidentally
I didn't see in that list. I'll go add that now.


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