David, I had assumed that we could just get this library released under AL2 and 
bundle the jar with CloudStack.   It'd be great if distros picked it up but 
that seems more difficult and longer term than a re-license, given our ability 
to influence the license of this particular piece of software.  (My 
understanding is that Citrix wrote all that code, and it could be released 
under multiple licenses if needed, which would presumably not upset the 
Xen/XenServer community.)


> -----Original Message-----
> From: David Nalley [mailto:da...@gnsa.us]
> Sent: Wednesday, May 16, 2012 10:26 PM
> To: cloudstack-dev@incubator.apache.org
> Subject: XAPI API (aka xenserver-java)
> Hi folks:
> I saw the recent changes to the dependency license page[1] and wanted to
> discuss XAPI API - which I think is the xenserver-java package. I don't think
> this is in any of the currently targeted distributions. I maintain this 
> package
> for Fedora and EPEL (so you can install it on
> EL6.2 - but it's using a non-supported yum repo to do so.) Also I don't ship 
> the
> patched version that ships with CloudStack today - I build from source as
> Fedora and EPEL have guidelines around patches, one of which requires at
> least upstreaming patches - and honestly I can't even find an upstream repo
> for it, much less a record of where the patches have been upstreamed.
> I am pretty certain that aside from my packaging work, no other distro has
> the above package - and a quick google supports that belief.
> --David
> [1]
> http://wiki.cloudstack.org/display/dev/Moving+dependencies+to+ASF+appr
> oved+licenses

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