Thank you, Bryan!

> asking for the now unused qrank Cloud VPS project to be deleted

Oh, there's no need anymore for a dummy Cloud VPS project when a Toolforge
(such as qrank) uses object storage? The Wikitech user guide
says so.

— Sascha

Am Mi., 19. März 2025 um 23:20 Uhr schrieb Bryan Davis <

> On Wed, Mar 19, 2025 at 1:03 PM Sascha Brawer via Cloud
> <> wrote:
> >
> > I moved it to Toolforge, a more modern (Kubernetes-based)
> infrastructure, to reduce manual maintenance.
> I'm really happy to hear that you found Toolforge to be a good fit for
> your project and not an I/O challenge as you once feared.
> > What would have been a good way to reach out to you and other users?
> As Daniel Zahn mentioned in his reply, a redirect from the old url to
> the new one is a good way to handle this. I run the redirects Cloud
> VPS project [0][1] as a convenience for doing this sort of thing for
> various projects that started in a Cloud VPS project that have now
> moved to Toolforge or WMF production.
> I peeked into your Cloud VPS project and found that all of the
> instances have been deleted, so I decided to proactively setup a
> redirect for you. will now redirect folks
> to your active service at
> When you are thinking about it, you could file a task on the Cloud VPS
> project-requests workboard linked to your original project creation
> request [3] asking for the now unused qrank Cloud VPS project to be
> deleted. No big deal if you don't, but it will save you from nag
> emails in the future asking you if you are still using the project. :)
> [0]:
> [1]:
> [2]:
> [3]:
> Bryan
> --
> Bryan Davis                                        Wikimedia Foundation
> Principal Software Engineer                               Boise, ID USA
> [[m:User:BDavis_(WMF)]]                                      irc: bd808
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