tl;dr: Minor change to DNS resolution[0] for toolforge and cloud-vps services are coming on Monday. Should have no effect but please yell if you see things break.

The whole story:

Back in 2020[1] we stopped associated new VMs with the .wmflabs top-level domain; since then all VMs have been accessed via instead. As of a few weeks ago, the last remaining .wmflabs VM was deleted, so we're now cleaning up code and config that supported that domain.

Right now if you try to resolve a stand-alone hostname (e.g. by typing "ping mycoolserver") the resolver will try three different fqdns: first 'mycoolserver.<projectname>' and, failing that, 'mycoolserver.<projectname>.eqiad.wmflabs.' and, failing that, the simple name 'mycoolserver.'.

After Monday, that second fallback won't happen, so it'll either be 'mycoolserver.<projectname>' or 'mycoolserver.'.

Most people don't use simple hostnames anyway; for those users this change will have no effect. Some toolforge applications still use the old-fashioned 'tools-redis' or 'tools-db' hostnames; we already have changes in place to resolve those correctly after the change. If there are single hostname edge cases that I don't know about and can't find, their behavior may change or break in surprising ways.

Note that fully qualified service names (for example are unaffected by this update. I would love to eliminate them too, but it's unclear how to identify and remove all uses so that cleanup will be left for another day.



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