On 01/21 21:50, Roy Smith wrote:
> What's the right --image argument for toolforge-jobs to get a python3.11 
> backend?
> I'm getting:  Value error, No such image 'tf-python311' when I do:
> toolforge-jobs run add-tags-en --command $jobdir/add-tags-en.bash --image 
> tf-python311--schedule "*/5 * * * *"

That'd be python3.11, you can see all the pre-built images available running:

$ toolforge jobs images

Another option is building your project using the build-service [1], you'll
need to have your code in a public git repository (like gitlab.wikimedia.org).
That will also allow you soon-ish to deploy your code when it changes (push to
deploy), and you'll get support for more runtimes, and better control of your
running environment.


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