On Tue, Oct 22, 2024 at 3:33 PM Travis Briggs <audiod...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hi,
> I woke up this morning to "Puppet failure on...." alerts for every cloud VPS 
> server I have access to. I basically just ignored it because I assumed that 
> many failures was something systemic, and I would wait for an announcement 
> from the cloud services team.
> Before I try to debug something this gnarly, *is* there something going on? 
> Or is it just coincidence that 8 machines across two projects got these 
> failures this morning?

You can likely ignore any Puppet failure messages you got on
2024-10-22. There was an unexpected failure of the shared Puppet
server that caused all Puppet runs to fail until it was corrected. See
https://phabricator.wikimedia.org/T377803 for more details.

Bryan Davis                                        Wikimedia Foundation
Principal Software Engineer                               Boise, ID USA
[[m:User:BDavis_(WMF)]]                                      irc: bd808
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