If you are a toolforge user and your workflow still relies on
tools-login.wmflabs.org, there are a few things to be aware of:
1) Until yesterday, tools-login.wmflabs.org pointed to a login host
running Debian10(buster), which is no longer a supported operation
system. I adjusted it to point to a newer bastion running Debian 12
2) Some ssh key types (e.g. ssh-rsakeys created with puttygen on
Windows, RSA keys signed with SHA-1) are no longer supported by modern
operating systems for security reasons. If you are encountering a new
login failure with toolforge /and/ you were using the .wmflabs.org login
host, you probably need to generate modern keys (ECDSA) and upload them
to https://idm.wikimedia.org
3) The software available on the new bastion differs somewhat from that
on the old bastion. If you find yourself unable to work on the new
hosts, please open a phabricator ticketwith the #toolforge tagor respond
to this email with specifics.
4) The surprising nature of this change is due to the fact that WMCS has
not used the .wmflabs.org domain for many years; anything under that
domain is only working by accident and will probably be broken by us
without warning. Please update your workflows and login scripts to use
the new, preferred login name: login.toolforge.org.
5) If you urgently need the functions of the old login host, you can
reach it as login-buster.toolforge.org. Be warned, though, that that
host is not likely to exist for more than a few more weeks.
Sorry for any inconvenience caused!
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