Yes I've definitely tunnelled successfully to toolforge DBs, and the wiki
replica databases, before. I've never had a problem with it, but I suspect
the issue is with Trove. Like i said, I can establish the connection and
even query my Trove production db from the mysql command line. But it times
out/fails in my Python program (which never had a problem before).


On Fri, Jun 21, 2024 at 1:55 PM Roy Smith <> wrote:

> There's no fundamental reason why this can't work.  I've done similar
> things:
> ssh -t -L"
> Sometimes it  takes a few tries to find the right ssh incantation, but
> port tunneling is definitely something that works.  One thing you might try
> is running ssh in verbose mode (ssh -v, or -vv, or -vvv to get increasingly
> more detailed logging).  A lot of it is low-level details which may not
> mean anything, but it's worth a shot to see if anything jumps out at you.
> Another good debugging tool is netcat (i.e. the "nc" command).  You can
> set to listen for connections on your VPS server (on some arbitrary port)
> and then try to connect to it.  That should at least tell you if you're
> getting as far as executing a TCP handshake through your tunnel.
> On Jun 21, 2024, at 12:35 PM, Travis Briggs <> wrote:
> I imagine this isn't a fully supported workflow but I'm wondering if
> there's some way to get it to work?
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