In clojure.spec, how can I declare a map that accepts only certain keys?  

*{::a 1 ::b 2 ::BAD 3}* does conform to *(s/keys :req :req [::a ::b])*, but 
I want a spec that will be bothered by ::BAD or any other undeclared key.

My use case: I am introducing spec to some legacy code, and I want to be 
warned if I have failed to specify some elements that may appear in my map.

Question 2:

 So, assuming that this is not possible currently, I brute-forced it with:

*(defn- key-checker [valid-keys]*
*  (fn [map-to-check]*
*    (empty? (clojure.set/difference (into #{} (keys map-to-check)) 

*(s/def ::my-map (s/and (s/keys :req [::a ::b])  (key-checker #{::a ::b})))*

Ignoring the ugly, and easily fixable, smell of the duplicated set of keys, 
this has a bigger problem:

If the predicate fails, the error that assert gives me is *"{... big ugly 
map ...} fails predicate: (key-checker #{::a ::b})"* with no easy way for 
the viewer to see which key failed. Can I somehow hook into the explain 
mechanism to give a more useful message?

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