I appreciate your reply.

The following is the entire code where I encountered this problem.
My intention was for debugging purpose to print the result of every nested 
expression in a form.

(ns debux.lab
  (:require (clojure [walk :as walk])))

;; For internal debugging
(defmacro ^:private dbg_
  `(let [return# ~form]
     (println ">> dbg_:" (pr-str '~form) "=>" return# "<<")

(def a 2)
(def b 3)
(def c 5)

(defn- dispatch
    (list? node)
    (do (eval `(dbg_ ~node))

    (and (symbol? node)
         (not (fn? (eval `~node))))
    (do (eval `(dbg_ ~node))

    :else node))

(defn- tree-walk
  (walk/postwalk dispatch tree))

;; dbg for nested expressions
(defmacro dbgn [form]
  (tree-walk form))

;;; test samples

;; This works because every symbol is declared in global symbols
(dbgn (* c (+ a b)))
; >> dbg_: c => 5 <<
; >> dbg_: a => 2 <<
; >> dbg_: b => 3 <<
; >> dbg_: (+ a b) => 5 <<
; >> dbg_: (* c (+ a b)) => 25 <<

;; This works too, because literal syntax-quotes are used.
(let [a 10 b 20 c 30]
  (eval `(* ~c (+ ~a ~b))))
; => 900

;; But this doesn't work, because literal syntax-quotes can't be used in 
this case.
(let [a 10 b 20 c 30]
  (dbgn (* c (+ a b))))
;   2. Unhandled clojure.lang.Compiler$CompilerException
;      Error compiling work/philos/debux/src/debux/lab.clj at (52:3)
;   1. Caused by java.lang.UnsupportedOperationException
;      Can't eval locals
;                Compiler.java: 5943 
;                Compiler.java: 6932  clojure.lang.Compiler/eval
;                Compiler.java: 6890  clojure.lang.Compiler/eval
;                     core.clj: 3105  clojure.core/eval
;                     core.clj: 3101  clojure.core/eval
;                ......

Any suggestion in this case?

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