2016-07-15 9:12 GMT+02:00 Erik Assum <e...@assum.net>:

> If you're on OSX and not opposed to Clojurescript, Planck[1] starts up in
> no time and is very useful for scripting and playing around.
> There is also replete if you have an iOS device.
> 1 http://planck-repl.org/

​I myself are on Linux, but maybe interesting for someone else.

> Den 14. jul. 2016 kl. 23.15 skrev Cecil Westerhof <cldwester...@gmail.com
> >:
> In my project I have some functions I use when calling ‘lein repl’ in the
> project directory. Would it be possible to use just that function? So use
> lein to call this function and return?
> Maybe not very useful because of the time it takes to start the JVM, but I
> like to experiment. ;-)
Cecil Westerhof

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