Olek - You may find some of the convience functions you are missing in the
Tupelo library.  In particular:


Keeping It Simple with not-nil?

Clojure has the build-in function some to return the first *truthy value* from
a *sequence* argument. It also has the poorly named function some? which
returns the *value* true if a *scalar* argument satisfies (not (nil? arg)).
It is easy to confuse someand some?, not only in their return type but also
in the argument they accept (sequence or scalar). In keeping with the style
for other basic test functions, we provide the function not-nil? as the
opposite of nil?.

The unit tests show how not-nil? leads to a more natural code syntax:

(let [data [true :a 'my-symbol 1 "hello" \x false nil] ]
  (let [notties   (keep-if not-nil? data)
        nillies   (drop-if not-nil? data) ]
    (is (and  (= notties [true :a 'my-symbol 1 "hello" \x false] )
              (= nillies [nil] )))
    (is (every?   not-nil? notties))        ; the 'not' can be used
    (is (not-any?     nil? notties)))       ;   in either first or 2nd positon

  (let [count-if (comp count keep-if) ]
    (let [num-valid-1     (count-if some?    data)    ; awkward
phrasing, doesn't feel natural
          num-valid-2     (count-if not-nil? data)    ; matches intent
much better
          num-nil         (count-if nil?     data) ]  ; intent is plain
      (is (and (= 7 num-valid-1 num-valid-2 )
               (= 1 num-nil))))))


On Sat, Jun 18, 2016 at 5:56 PM, James Reeves <ja...@booleanknot.com> wrote:

> On 19 June 2016 at 00:07, Olek <aleksander.nas...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Now lets talk about "difficulties" which I have found.
>> For example when we talk about removing element from collection.
>> Why there is no one operation which could behave the same for set,
>> vector, list, string, and map? Let the community talk by themselves:
>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/28844647/why-are-disj-and-dissoc-distinct-functions-in-clojure
> I guess the difference is intent, but you'd have to ask Rich.
>> Why there is no one operation for checking if an element is in a
>> collection/keys of map/string?
>> http://stackoverflow.com/questions/3249334/test-whether-a-list-contains-a-specific-value-in-clojure
> You can use "some" to achieve this effect for most collections. Maps are a
> little tricky, because you could be checking for the existence of a key, a
> value, or a key-value pair.
> It might be nice to have an "includes?" function, though, particularly one
> that was more efficient.
>> There is no even simple method for saying that element is not a nil. This
>> requires from me the (not (nil? %)) combo.
> There is. "clojure.core/some?" is the same as #(not (nil? #)).
> - James
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