        Clojure contrib wrapper for JDBC
        org.clojure/java.jdbc 0.6.0 “gold” release

The “gold” release of java.jdbc is now available after several alpha / RC 
builds over the past month. This release provides a cleaned up API that is much 
more composable and consistent than the API that had evolved up through the 
0.5.x series of releases.

To migrate to 0.6.0, I recommend you upgrade to 0.5.8 and look for the 
DEPRECATED warnings that will appear on the console if you are using any 
features that will break in 0.6.0.

Change Log:


• NEW BUG: find-by-keys now correctly handles nil values JDBC-126. 0.6.0 / 
• NEW BUG: find-by-keys calls seq on :order-by to treat [] as no ORDER BY 
clause. 0.6.0 / 2016-05-11.
• CHANGE: db-query-with-resultset now accepts an options map and passes it to 
prepare-statement JDBC-125. 0.6.0-rc2 / 2016-05-07.
• CHANGE: Passing the prepare-statement options map as the first element of the 
[sql & params] vector is no longer supported and will throw an 
IllegalArgumentException. It was always very poorly documented and almost never 
used, as far as I can tell.
• OLD BUG: db-query-with-resultset no longer requires the sql-params argument 
to be a vector: a sequence is acceptable. This is in line with other functions 
that accept a sequence. 0.6.0-rc2 / 2016-05-07.
• OLD BUG: db-query-with-resultset now accepts a bare SQL string or 
PreparedStatement as the sql-params argument, when there are no parameters 
needed. This is in line with other functions that accept SQL or a 
PreparedStatement. 0.6.0-rc2 / 2016-05-07.
• CHANGE: query's options map now is passed to db-query-with-resultset and thus 
can contain options to be used to construct the PreparedStatement JDBC-125. 
0.6.0-rc2 / 2016-05-07.
• NEW API: Adds get-by-id and find-by-keys convenience functions (these were 
easy to add after the API changes in 0.6.0 and we rely very heavily on them at 
World Singles so putting them in the core for everyone seemed reasonable). 
0.6.0-rc1 / 2016-05-04.
• NEW API: find-by-keys accepts an :order-by option that expects a sequence of 
orderings; an ordering is a column name (keyword) or a map from column name 
(keyword) to direction (:asc or :desc). 0.6.0-rc2 / 2016-05-07.
• OLD BUG: Ensures SQL / params are actually vectors prior to destructuring 
(this addresses an interop edge case from other languages) JDBC-124. 
0.6.0-alpha2 / 2016-04-18.
• NEW BUG: Fix typo in insert-multi! argument validation exception JDBC-123. 
0.6.0-alpha2 / 2016-04-18.
- See changes described in versions 0.5.5 through 0.5.8 for what was deprecated
- Use version 0.5.8 as a bridge to identify any deprecated API calls on which 
your code relies!
- db-transaction (deprecated in version 0.3.0) has been removed
- The java.jdbc.deprecated namespace has been removed

Sean Corfield -- (904) 302-SEAN
An Architect's View -- http://corfield.org/

"Perfection is the enemy of the good."
-- Gustave Flaubert, French realist novelist (1821-1880)

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