(zombie thread back from the dead... :)

I think enhancements on :pre/:post are interesting.

http://dev.clojure.org/jira/browse/CLJ-1817 seems like a good place to work 
on this.

On Tuesday, March 29, 2016 at 4:02:25 PM UTC-5, Colin Taylor wrote:
> Would there be interest in a ticket in this? Seems simple enough if (as 
> above) putting the message under the :pre key is acceptable?
> On Thursday, July 14, 2011 at 3:25:16 AM UTC+12, frye wrote:
>> I do think a simple String error message is all that the user of the 
>> function should provide. From there, An AssertionError can throw up 
>> something along the lines of what you said - Expected… , Found… , Message. 
>> That would give enough information for reporting at least in a test 
>> framework. To get more precise information, like you said, that 
>> AssertionError could also throw up class/file information, etc. that a 
>> debugger could use. I would guard against designing these things to 
>> accomodate a context outside of it's execution scope. In the ideal 
>> functional world, the input and output are wholly localized. Any 
>> Error/Exception thrown can be consumed or chained to give very precise 
>> failure reasoning.  
>> As for how that would fit into the entire exception chain, that's still 
>> being thought (see here 
>> <http://dev.clojure.org/display/design/Error+Handling>). There are 
>> already a few approaches, and I think this (see here 
>> <http://dev.clojure.org/display/design/Error+Handling+Comparisons>) is 
>> the context of how the core team is approaching this problem. 
>> Cheers 
>> Tim 
>> On Tue, Jul 12, 2011 at 6:01 AM, Shantanu Kumar <kumar.s...@gmail.com> 
>> wrote:
>>> As I am the culprit of having introduced it with a naive example, I'd
>>> better admit it may not be very useful in practical scenarios across a
>>> wide variety of use cases. For example, when there is an assertion
>>> error with message "`m` should be a map" 14 levels down the stack, I'd
>>> really wish it said "`m` -- Expected: map, Found: vector [:foo :bar]"
>>> so that I can debug it quickly.
>>> Pre-conditions and Post-conditions are a valuable debugging aid, and
>>> to enable that we need very precise information. Unfortunately passing
>>> a string error message cannot encapsulate enough error context. A more
>>> complex example can be where the correctness of input must be
>>> determined collectively (in association with other args) -- in those
>>> cases one can only fall back on comparing input values and raise
>>> IllegalArgumentException accordingly.
>>> Regards,
>>> Shantanu
>>> On Jul 11, 10:40 pm, Timothy Washington <twash...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> > 

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