On Thu, Mar 17, 2016 at 11:12 AM, gvim <gvi...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Better to get a foundation in Javascript, Python/Ruby and Java first then
> add Clojure later.

Disagree.  It's easier to go from functional programming to imperative
programming than vice versa, so it is better to teach functional
programming first.

The reason is that imperative programming can be thought of as a small,
added layer, an extra mutation capability beyond writing pure functions
that can be used judiciously to achieve certain effects.  Grounded in
functional programming, it's easy to go to imperative programming, because
you are *adding* a capability.  You can still write pure functions in an
imperative language (although the language gives you less support for doing
so), so your prior knowledge applies.

On the other hand, if you learn imperative programming first, you learn a
way of writing code that uses mutation in everything.  You develop no
awareness of the boundary between the set of things you can compute with
and without mutation.  From your perspective, everything requires
mutation.  When you try to make the move to functional programming, you
feel completely lost and completely hamstrung, because a capability you
imagine is essential for writing any code is now missing.  You have to
completely relearn how to think about coding, figuring out how to write
code without mutation.  You are subtracting a capability from your
language, which is much, much harder, because all your instincts about how
to code no longer apply.

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