Excellent news! Looking forward to receiving my hard-copy, though haven't 
yet heard when it's shipping.

On Thursday, October 22, 2015 at 7:32:57 PM UTC-4, Daniel Higginbotham 
> Clojure for the Brave and True <http://www.braveclojure.com/> is now 
> available in print and ebook form <http://amzn.to/1UxrITn>, and the web 
> site has been updated to incorporate all the changes that went into the 
> print book. The web site remains 100% free :)
> In case you'd like to know more about the book: one of my goals was to 
> explain concepts thoroughly and entertainingly.
> "Thoroughly" because of my own difficulties learning Clojure. For example, 
> when I was first learning Clojure I thought the state constructs were very 
> neat, but I didn't have the conceptual foundation to truly understand them 
> and integrate them in my work. (I came from Ruby, where concurrency was too 
> much of a hassle to bother with.) I didn't even have a clear idea of what a 
> thread is. So, in the concurrency chapter, I try to explain what concurrent 
> and parallel programming are and why they matter (and what threads are) 
> before explaining atoms and refs and so forth.
> "Entertainingly" because otherwise it would be too tedious to complete the 
> book. Plus, as a learner I think it's easier to stay focused and remember 
> material if it makes you laugh. I'm really happy with the concurrency 
> chapter in this regard too, where concurrency is explained in terms of the 
> classic computer science example of Lady Gaga's song "Telephone," also 
> known as the "I cannot text you with a drink in my hand, eh" problem.
> My other main goal was to provide the Clojure community with a free, 
> high-quality online book for beginners. There are other great free 
> resources available, like Clojure from the Ground Up (
> https://aphyr.com/tags/Clojure-from-the-ground-up), but I figure one more 
> doesn't hurt. Clojure is one of the best things to happen to my career, and 
> I hope my contribution helps the community :)
> Thanks!
> Daniel
> p.s. Thank you everyone who helped yesterday's launch go so well!

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