
I am not an expert :)

I haven't heard of this repo or even understand what the exercises are. 
Nonetheless, based on what you wrote, some simple changes (to possibly make 
it more idiomatic?),

(< x 0)

use (neg? x)

(if (= (mod n  divisor)0) 
>       true
>       false))

use (= (mod n divisor) 0) ... `=` returns a boolean value.

(defn abs [x]

I don't understand what the point of this function is. If one can use a 
built-in function `mod` to test divisibility, why can't one use the Java 
function `Math/abs` to implement `abs`?

(not (teen? age ))

`((complement teen?) age)` ... I personally find `complement` forms easier 
to read than `not`. And its better than doing `((comp not teen?) age)`

(divides? 5 n )

Maybe it's just me, but it reads like I am checking whether 5 is divisible 
by n. I rather prefer `(divisible? n d)`. Creating a standalone 
`divisible-by-5` function is just as easy. Anyway,

(defn leap-year? [year]
>   (cond
>       (not(divides?  4 year ))   false
>       (not(divides? 100 year)) true
>       (not(divides? 400 year)) false
>       :else                    true
>       ))

It took me a while to mentally verify the logic. I feel the code becomes 
easier to grok, if you invert the predicates, ie instead of checking for 
negation of a condition, just check for the condition.
(defn leap-year? [x] (cond (divisible? x 400) true (divisible? x 100) false 
(divisible? x 4) true :else false))
(defn leap-year? 
  (cond (divisible? x 400) true 
        (and (divisible? x 4) 
             ((complement divisible?) x 100)) true 
        :else false))

Can a year be negative or zero? If not, then maybe a pre-condition check 
for positive numbers? 

(defn generic-doublificate [x] ...

Without understanding what this function is supposed to do, I can't comment 
on it. As such, one rarely needs to check if an argument is a list or a 
vector. In this case maybe a better check would be `sequential?`. Maybe, 
you were supposed to implement it using multi methods. One method for 
`number?`, one for `coll?` and a default implementation. The `coll?` 
implementation handles the cases for empty collection, sequential 
collection and any other case. That said, what does this method have to do 
with booleans? 

On Monday, 31 August 2015 23:59:21 UTC+5:30, r/ Wobben wrote:

> Hello, 
> I did solve the boolean chapter of the ilovehorses git repo.
> My solutions can be found here: 
> https://github.com/rwobben/i-am-a-horse-in-the-land-of-booleans/blob/master/src/i_am_a_horse_in_the_land_of_booleans.clj
> Any experts who can give me feedback about the solutions so I can learn 
> from it.
> Roelof

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