As a moderate level clojure programmer trying to dive into the deeper 
features this seems interesting.

On Monday, 24 August 2015 02:46:06 UTC-4, Akhil Wali wrote:
> If anyone is interested in being a reviewer for a new book "*Mastering 
> Clojure*" by Packt Publishing, please let me know.
> Reviewers will be entitled to a 6 montn subscription of PacktLib 
> <>.
> Here's the list of topics covered in this title.
>    - 
>    - Working with Sequences and Types
>    - Orchestrating Concurrency and Parallelism
>    - Parallelization using Reducers
>    - Writing Macros
>    - Composing Transducers
>    - Using Functors and Monads
>    - Programming with Logic
>    - Asynchronous Programming
>    - Reactive Programming
>    - Working with Tests
>    - Troubleshooting and Best Practices

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