Bodil is wrong, I belive. You can write GPL software with clojure, in
the same way that you can write GPL software with Java. Or GPL software
for Windows.

The relevant provision in the GPL is the bit about "standard interface"
and "system libraries". You can link GPL code to a system library
without release of the source of the system libraries at all.

For languages, we have this:

"in the case of interfaces specified for a particular programming
language, one that is widely used among developers working in that

This is a bit difficult to interpret, but for Clojure any library in
clojure.core which is released in the main Clojure jar would be covered.

There *is*, however, an issue with use of many parts of the Clojure
ecosystem. For example, I believe that releasing a leiningen plugin
under GPL would be impossible, since lein is EPL and is not part of the
standard interface (I pick lein as an example here, not for any other
reason). So, Clojure is not an ideal environment for GPL code, since
there will be many libraries you cannot use.

I do not believe that the EPL on Clojure has any implications at all for
code implemented in Clojure, but I do not know EPL that well. IIUC, I
cannot release modified versions of Clojure under anything other than
EPL, but that is the main limitation.

It's an unfortunate situation in some ways, but one that has been
entered into consciously. Doubly unfortunate in that it is largely for
technical reasons, as far as I can tell, rather than a deliberate desire
to EPL and GPL to be incompatible. Such is life. Licences are more
complex than code.

Kyle Sexton <> writes:
> Can anyone weigh in on whether it is possible to write GPL code with clojure?
> Seen some recent[1] tweets saying that the EPL on clojure core prevents
> writing GPL code with clojure.
> [1] -

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