Thank you Steve

with the help of the robect-hooke library I got close:

(defn ^:test-meta t [a] (println a))
;;copy the metadata to the function object
(def tt (with-meta t (meta #'t)))

(defn adv1 [f a]
  (println "advising" f "with meta" (meta f))
  (f a))

(defn adv2 [f a]
  (println "hey!" f "your meta is" (meta f)) ;this is going to be nil as 
hooke provides it's own wrapper without copying the metadata
  (f a))

(add-hook #'tt #'adv1)
(add-hook #'tt #'adv2)

(tt "a")

With little extra effort I will get what I want. Truth is the library uses 
alter-var-root under the hood. Well, guess that's some of the idiomatic 
Clojure way of life I will have to get used to.

On Wednesday, August 5, 2015 at 4:25:55 PM UTC+2, squeegee wrote:
> I wish I could do that in Clojure:
> (defn ^:transactional someFunction [...] ...)
> and then have somehow means to decorate someFunction (yes, I am aware 
> there is no container)
> The code you proposed does have an effect on the someFunction var (but not 
> the function it ends up bound to). That might be enough for you to 
> accomplish what you’re after.
> user=> (defn ^:transactional someFunction [x] (prn x))
> #'user/some-function
> user=> (meta *#'some-function*)
> {:ns #<Namespace user>, :name someFunction, :file "...", *:transactional 
> true*, :column 1, :line 1, :arglists ([x])}
> —Steve

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