Hi :)

I've recently broached the subject of Clojure with another dev in my 
organization, and his response was basically "What's Clojure"? and I'm not 
sure how to answer that in a way that might inspire him. "It's a 
dynamically-typed functional Lisp with persistent immutable data structures 
that runs on the JVM" doesn't seem like it will grab his interest. =)

I work primarily in .NET, and he does enterprise Java. I don't know him 
well enough to know how happy he is with it. He did express interest in 
learning .Net.

 I came to an appreciation of Clojure through 

-CQRS (the power of decomplection!)
-Sussman and Abelson's SICP class at MIT online (the power of homoiconicity 
and functions!)
-the death of Silverlight (alternatives to Javascript in the browser?)

By the time I found Rich Hickey's talks (eg Simple Made Easy) I was pretty 
well primed to love Clojure. I've been using it for little personal 
projects and prototyping for a couple of years, but I haven't put it in 
production because no one else here knows it.

Could anyone tell me how they got from enterprise Java to Clojure?

Thanks very much,

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