Does anyone know of a simple/minimal Clojure library, or just a chunk of 
Clojure source code that I could cut/paste, that implements basic statistical 
tests like t-tests and chi-squared tests? I don't want to use incanter but I'd 
also rather not write this stuff from scratch.



PS I'm not really looking to engage in debate about the pros/cons of incanter, 
but FWIW a couple of my reasons for not wanting to use it are: 1) Requiring 
incanter seems to be making my program launch an additional java process, which 
is mysterious and unwelcome, 2) I ran into division by zero errors which might 
be completely reasonable -- I haven't yet tracked down the arguments that 
produced the errors or figured out what should be done about them -- and when I 
tried to look into the code I found a lot more complexity than I was hoping to 
have to deal with, along with the comment ";;FIXME: This should never be *2!  
This is wrong...", which does not inspire confidence. I see that incanter does 
lots of cool things, and I don't want to put it down in any way, but for now I 
just want some statistical test code and I'd like to deal with as little else 
as possible.

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