I'm persistently getting this. Annoyingly, it happens a long way through a 
very big computation:
CompilerException java.lang.StackOverflowError, 

The content of file /tmp/form-init8817362891013362767.clj being compiled is 

(.deleteOnExit (java.io.File. "/tmp/form-init8817362891013362767.clj")) (do 
(set! *warn-on-reflection* nil) (require (quote gorilla-repl.core)) 
(gorilla-repl.core/run-gorilla-server {:ip "", :port 0, 
:nrepl-port 0, :project "mw-explore", :gorilla-options nil, :version 

I get the same error (although, obviously, not quite the same tmp file) 
when I run at the repl rather than with Gorilla. The stacktrace does not 
touch any file of mine.

The actual file of my own I'm evaluating is this:


And it's calling into this library:


And specifically, it's mainly exercising drainage:


I acknowledge that this is a deep and nasty bit of algorithm, but the only 
thing I can think of that would cause a stack overflow while compiling 
would be an accidentally-recursive macro - and I'm not getting any of my 
own macros.

This problem started after I introduced three new functions:

(defn is-hollow
  "Detects point hollows - that is, individual cells all of whose 
   are higher. Return true if this `cell` has an altitude lower than any of 
   its neighbours in this `world`" 
  [world cell]
  ;; quicker to count the elements of the list and compare equality of 
  ;; than recursive equality check on members, I think. But worth 
  (let [neighbours (get-neighbours world cell)
        altitude (or (:altitude cell) 0)]
    (= (count neighbours)
       (count (get-neighbours-with-property-value 
                world (:x cell) (:y cell) 1 :altitude >)))))

(defn flood-hollow
  "Raise the altitude of a copy of this `cell` of this `world` to the 
   of the lowest of its `neighbours`."
  ([world cell neighbours]
    (let [lowest (get-least-cell neighbours :altitude)]
      (merge cell {:state :water :altitude (:altitude lowest)})))
  ([world cell]
    (flood-hollow world cell (get-neighbours world cell))))

(defn flood-hollows 
  "Flood all local hollows in this `world`. At this stage only floods single
   cell hollows."
  (map-world world 
             #(if (is-hollow %1 %2) (flood-hollow %1 %2) %2)))

However at the stage the problem occurs, these functions have evaluated 
successfully, and am into the flow-world stage, which previously worked 

Has anyone seen anything analogous? Any pointers as to what I might be 
doing wrong?

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