I know what you mean. After a year or so I still oscillate between a day of:
 - naval gazing to uncover a lovely clean design, a few trivial bits
of clojure later and out comes a lovely, incidental-complexity free
implementation that reads like a conversation from the domain actors
in the real world
 - naval gazing to uncover a lovely clean design, a head-banging
session of "what on earth is happening here - why is this so ***
hard!", whole pages of stuff that somehow works but is a factor bigger
and messier than a trivial OO implementation. Then a few sleepless
nights. In the morning; clarity, hold down shift, page down, page
down, page down, delete and a few trivial bits of clojure later and
peace is restored.

Regardless of what type of day I have I know for a fact that tomorrow
I will understand why what I wrote today, regardless of how pleasing
it is to me will turn out to be a mess of unnecessary code.

As Dr Eli Goldratt/TOC states: "never say I know" :). For example, I
meant 'for/while' not 'while' :).

On 1 March 2015 at 10:52, Cecil Westerhof <cldwester...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 2015-03-01 11:33 GMT+01:00 Colin Yates <colin.ya...@gmail.com>:
>> I would replace it with loop/recur or a while, with both checking a
>> termination flag (probably an atom) which is set by the user.
> I was just going to post that I was going to use a loop. You beat me to it.
> ;-)
> Probably being busy for to long, because I should have thought about that.
> :-(
> Well
> I keep updating my Clojure skills. :-)
> No need for a flag (in this case): the user is shown an adjustment. He can
> choose yes, no, or cancel. Cancel is the break out of the loop. With no the
> adjustment is not done and the next one is shown. With yes the adjustment is
> done and the next one is shown.
>> An alternative approach would be core.async with a stop channel and then
>> use alt! to check them both simultaneously.
> Something to dive into later. (Just as some other things that came up in my
> avalanche of questions of lately.)
> I must say I like Clojure. It is a bit different and I need to get used to
> it, but it looks like when I am proficient in it, my productivity will be
> quit a bit higher.
>> On 1 Mar 2015 10:30, "Cecil Westerhof" <cldwester...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I have a program where I change a lot of records based on id's in a
>>> sequence. It is a manual process, so I want to give the user an option to
>>> terminate the sequence. What would be the correct way to stop (for example)
>>> a doseq?
> --
> Cecil Westerhof
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