Jorge, I tried this on 1.6 and seemed to work:

(def primes
  (cons 2 (for [n (iterate inc 3) :when (prime? primes n)] n)))

On Thursday, February 12, 2015 at 4:21:45 PM UTC-8, Jorge Marques Pelizzoni 
> Neither did delay help:
> (defn primes [] (let [primes' (atom nil)]
>                   (reset! primes' (delay (cons 2 (filter #(prime? (force 
> (deref primes')) %) (drop 3 (range))))))))
> Serious this is not a bug?
> Em quinta-feira, 12 de fevereiro de 2015 22:14:46 UTC-2, Jorge Marques 
> Pelizzoni escreveu:
>> Thanks, Michael, for your analysis and explanation. However not even this 
>> worked:
>> (defn primes [] (let [primes' (atom nil)]
>>                   (lazy-seq (reset! primes' (lazy-seq (cons 2 (lazy-seq 
>> (filter #(prime? (deref primes') %) (drop 3 (range))))))))))

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