For all the good qualities of the Clojure group, it can sometimes produce a 
bit of a harsh tone. Don't let that get you down though, it's great that 
you're building stuff and showing it off!

As far as defun goes, it looks interesting. The out-of-the-box pattern 
matching was one of the things I enjoyed with ML. It's usually a quite tidy 
way to handle the termination conditions of recursions. It's less useful in 
Clojure, since we're more or less confined to loop and recur, but I still 
like the looks of this.

On Sunday, September 14, 2014 8:47:28 AM UTC+2, dennis wrote:
> Hi , i am pleased to introduce defun <>: 
> a beautiful macro to define clojure functions with pattern match.
> Some examples:
> (defun say-hi
>   ([:dennis] "Hi,good morning, dennis.")
>   ([:catty] "Hi, catty, what time is it?")
>   ([:green] "Hi,green, what a good day!")
>   ([other] (str "Say hi to " other)))
> (say-hi :dennis)
> ;;  "Hi,good morning, dennis."
> (say-hi :catty)
> ;;  "Hi, catty, what time is it?"
> (say-hi :green)
> ;;  "Hi,green, what a good day!"
> (say-hi "someone")
> ;;  "Say hi to someone"
> Recursive function? It's all right:
> (defun count-down
>   ([0] (println "Reach zero!"))
>   ([n] (println n)
>      (recur (dec n))))
> (defun fib
>     ([0] 0)
>     ([1] 1)
>     ([n] (+ (fib (- n 1)) (fib (- n 2)))))
> Guard functions? it's all right:
> (defun valid-geopoint?
>     ([(_ :guard #(and (> % -180) (< % 180)))
>       (_ :guard #(and (> % -90) (< % 90)))] true)
>     ([_ _] false))
> (valid-geopoint? 30 30)
> ;; true
> (valid-geopoint? -181 30)
> ;; false
> It's really cool,all the magic are from core.match, much more details 
> please see 
> -- 
> 庄晓丹 
> Email: <javascript:> 
> <javascript:>
> Site: 
> Twitter:      @killme2008

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