2014-07-09 10:38 GMT+02:00 Cecil Westerhof <cldwester...@gmail.com>:

> 2014-07-09 9:39 GMT+02:00 Cecil Westerhof <cldwester...@gmail.com>:
> Or you could use a definition of look more like this, which uses println
>>> to print each item on its own line (not sure if you wanted to retain the
>>> parens or not, but both are easily doable).
>>>     (defn look []
>>>       (doseq [d [(describe-location *location* nodes)
>>>                  (describe-paths *location* edges)
>>>                  (describe-objects *location* objects
>>> *object-locations*)]]
>>>         (println d)))
>> ​That certainly looks better. The only problem is that the lines of the
>> different calls are still printed as one. But rewriting to use strings
>> would solve that problem. I just have to finish the book, to see if I can
>> change the lists to strings.​
> ​Solved it without reverting to stings. See attachment. The only 'problem'
> are the parentheses. How to get rid of those?

​Solved that one also:
(defn look []
  (doseq [d (concat (describe-location @location nodes)
                    (describe-paths    @location edges)
                    (describe-objects  @location objects object-locations))]
                    (apply println d)))

Cecil Westerhof

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