I apologize, apparently you can't use go-loop how I did below,

=> (def my-go-loop (async/go-loop [msg (async/<! c)] (println "got msg "
msg " from channel " 'c)))

...try this instead:

(def my-go-loop (async/go-loop [] (let [msg (async/<! c)] (println "got
msg " msg " from channel " 'c))))

Sorry about that!


(2014/05/12 13:21), Dave Della Costa wrote:
>> 1) I feel like it is a redundant to define bindings multiple times in
>> my go's let exprs when the params have already been passed in as
>> arguments. Is there a more idiomatic way to do this?
> I think the fact that you are re-binding in a let should show you that
> these variables are already in scope: that let is wholly redundant, just
> remove it.
>> 2) Whenever I try to create a generic process to automatically
>> generate a log-name for each channel and then call update, I get a
>> 'symbol cannot be cast to atom' error. How can I get around this? It
>> seems to happen even if I don't use the log-name function.
> It's simple: a symbol is not an atom.  It's telling you exactly what you
> need to know: you cannot call swap! on a symbol.  Make sure your atom is
> the first argument to swap! wherever you use it.
>> 3) Is there a better way to keep track of what's on a channel that
>> doesn't use macros?
> You cannot look inside of a channel, but to do what you want and get a
> sense of how core.async works, I think you are on the right track by
> logging as you put stuff in and take it out.
> That said, I would start by getting rid of the log and the macro--these
> are unnecessary complications--and do things very simply:
> => (require '[clojure.core.async :as async])
> nil
> => (def c (async/chan))
> #'user/c
> => (def my-go-loop (async/go-loop [msg (async/<! c)] (println "got msg "
> msg " from channel " 'c)))
> #'user/my-go-loop
> => (defn put-and-print! [c msg] (println "putting msg " msg " onto
> channel " 'c) (async/put! c msg))
> #'user/put-and-print!
> => (put-and-print! c "I am a message!")
> putting msg  I am a message!  onto channel  c
> got msg  I am a message!  from channel  c
> nil
> =>
> Printing out "channel c" is kind of silly since there is only one, but
> it sounds like you may want to do this with multiple channels so this is
> one way to print out the variable name--simply quote it.
> DD
> (2014/05/12 11:41), gamma235 wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> I am getting my feet wet with core.async and am trying to attach atoms
>> to channels that update automatically and print out to the console as
>> you take and put. This is not for anything serious, just a way to get
>> familiar with the behavior and functionality of the library and practice
>> my Clojure skills. Thanks in advaan
>> Here is my code: 
>>     (defn log-name [ch] (symbol (str ch '-log)))
>>      ;; Is this efficiently written?
>>     (defmacro transparent-chan [ch]   
>>       (do
>>         `(def ~ch (chan))
>>         `(def (log-name ~ch) (atom []))
>>         `(println "new transparent channel created!")))
>>     (defn- update [log v]
>>       (do
>>         (swap! log conj v)
>>         (println "log test passed: " v " has been logged")
>>         (println "channel contents: " @log)))
>>      (defn transparent-put [ch v]
>>        (let [log (log-name ch)]
>>          (go
>>           (let [ch ch
>>                 v v]
>>             (>! ch v)
>>             (println v " has been successfully moved through the channel")))
>>          (update log v)
>>          (println "put test passed: " v " has been put on the channel")
>>          (println " rechecking channel contents: " @log)))
>>     (defn transparent-take [ch]
>>       (go
>>        (let [v (<! ch)
>>              log-name (symbol (str ch '-log))]
>>          (swap! log-name #(remove #{v} %))
>>        (println v "has been removed from channel")))
>>       (println " removal pending"))
>>     ;; tests
>>     (transparent-chan c)
>>     c
>>     c-log
>>     @c-log
>>     (transparent-put c 42)
>>     (transparent-take c)
>> My main questions are regarding variable scope: 
>> 1) I feel like it is a redundant to define bindings multiple times in my
>> go's let exprs when the params have already been passed in as arguments.
>> Is there a more idiomatic way to do this?
>> 2) Whenever I try to create a generic process to automatically generate
>> a log-name for each channel and then call update, I get a 'symbol cannot
>> be cast to atom' error. How can I get around this? It seems to happen
>> even if I don't use the log-name function.
>> 3) Is there a better way to keep track of what's on a channel that
>> doesn't use macros?
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