
First real Clojure library release, so exciting/scary stuff, but feedback
would very much be appreciated.

Brute is a a simple and lightweight Entity Component System library for
writing games with Clojure.

The aim of this project was to use basic Clojure building blocks to form an
Entity System architecture, and get out of the author's way when deciding
exactly what approach would best fit their game when integrating with this

To that end:

   - Entities are UUIDs.
   - The Component type system can be easily extended through a multimethod
   get-component-type, but defaults to using the component's instance class as
   its type.
   - Components can therefore be defrecords or deftypes by default, but
   could easily be maps or just about anything else.
   - Systems are simply references to functions of the format (fn [delta]).

Project can be found on Github at:

Sample Pong Game can be found on Github as well:

Blog post on the initial release:

E: mark.man...@gmail.com
T: http://www.twitter.com/neurotic
W: www.compoundtheory.com

2 Devs from Down Under Podcast

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