And Happy April Fools' everyone.  Nicely done Pradip.

On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 3:58:34 PM UTC-4, Jozef Wagner wrote:
> Reducers should be given IMO a more attention, support and importance and 
> I'm actually experimenting on a hypothesis that reducers can replace lazy 
> seqs in most cases (excluding simple stuff, e.g. destructuring). Imagine a 
> core API where functions like map, filter, rseq, range etc. are working 
> with reducers by default and falling back to seqs only in rare cases or by 
> explicit request.
> Jozef
> On Tuesday, April 1, 2014 9:28:49 PM UTC+2, tbc++ wrote:
>> The question is "replace them with what"? I remember with not so fond 
>> memories the days of using IEnumerable in C#, there was no immutability and 
>> no caching. So if you created a massive chain of data and iterated over it 
>> twice you would have to execute the entire chain of functions twice. With 
>> LazySeqs the data would be evaluated once and the final result stored for 
>> each iterator. 
>> It's a trade off, but I'm constantly amazed at how wickedly fast LazySeqs 
>> are. 
>> Also, reducers are a good option when LazySeqs aren't fast enough. 
>> Timothy
>> On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 1:17 PM, Andy Fingerhut <>wrote:
>>> Back of the envelope meaning that you thought about the implementation 
>>> and are estimating, or you have measurements?
>>> Either way, I agree that there are definitely use cases where non-lazy 
>>> processing can give performance improvements.  Probably even relatively 
>>> common use cases.
>>> Cases where lazy sequences have advantages (not intended to be an 
>>> exhaustive list):
>>> + if you determine that you do not need the whole sequence, portions of 
>>> it need not be generated at all (perhaps large portions)
>>> + I do not have measurements for this use case to quantify the potential 
>>> performance benefits, but if you have a 'pipeline' of lazy operations, e.g. 
>>> a map on function f1 whose result is fed into a map on function f2, then a 
>>> filter on function f3, etc., the time order of execution will typically 
>>> have f1 called on an item in the sequence, then f2, then f3, etc., and only 
>>> after that is done will you go back and call f1, f2, f3, ... on the next 
>>> item of the original sequence.  There can be performance benefits from 
>>> keeping those intermediate results in a processor's cache while doing f1, 
>>> f2, f3, etc., rather than a whole pass of applying f1, then going back to 
>>> the beginning and doing a whole pass of f2, etc.  This is primarily an 
>>> issue with sequences that are large enough that they do not fit into the 
>>> cache.
>>> Andy
>>> On Tue, Apr 1, 2014 at 11:19 AM, Pradip Caulagi <>wrote:
>>>> I am just a newbie who has been hanging around and it is rather late in 
>>>> the day to bring this up but...
>>>> should we remove lazy sequences and lazy evaluation from Clojure?  Back 
>>>> of the envelope calculations show that we can get 2x performance 
>>>> improvements.
>>>> Thanks,
>>>> Pradip
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