A tip if you are completely stuck on 4clojure:

Often the 4clojure problem will say you can't use a particular function. 
 The first thing I would do is go look at the source code for that 
function, then I would try to find other functions with similar 

Much like learning to paint or write, you have to copy first.  Eventually 
looking through all that source code you will start to develop a sense of 
how a problem can be solved, and in giving any solution 4clojure lets you 
look at the solutions of others.  Look at the most prolific 4clojure users, 
their solutions will teach you a lot.  Look up the functions they used.  In 
order to learn to "Think in Clojure" you need to understand how someone who 
already can\does did what they did. 

Another general tip is to harness momentum, when I started learning I 
picked one thing that I could completely finish in a day.  And the trick is 
to dream small, some things I did:

   - List the files in a directory and sort them by type.
   - A crypto-quote assist\solver.
   - A small text based adventure game.

The goal is to get a WHOLE thing done, even if it is a small thing.  I did 
this 2-3 times a week.  Porting old code you have done before in another 
language is great too because the big issue here will be learning to turn 
OO\Imperative code into functional code.

I also wrote a blog post listing the resources I used when just getting 
started: http://jarrodswart.com/beginner-resources-clojure/, and a super 
friendly 10k foot view of the reduce 
function: http://jarrodswart.com/clojure-like-im-five-reduce-functions/.

Hope this helps,

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