honeysql supports function calls by joining args with commas, e.g.

=> (hsql/format #sql/call [:foo :bar :baz])
["foo(bar, baz)"]

However sql functions have more syntax, for example group_concat(a order by 
b separator ',')

So #sql/call doesn't work. I tried implementing a clause format for 

=> (hsql/format {:group_concat [:value {:order :ordering :separator 
#sql/call [:chr 9]}]})
["GROUP_CONCAT(value order by ordering separator chr(9))"]

However this doesn't work inside a select:

=> (hsql/format {:select {:group_concat [:value {:order :ordering 
:separator #sql/call [:chr 9]}]} :from [:foo]})
["SELECT group_concat AS value AS ( ) FROM foo"]

Is there any solution besides dropping to raw sql?

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