As a Xmas present I gave myself a copy of "Concepts, Teechniques and Models 
of Computer Programming" and I'm enjoying myself reading it. The book uses 
Oz/Mozart but I'm trying to translate some of the code in clojure.

The first computation model is declarative and variables behave much as 
LVars in core.logic. The first data structure it implements using these 
variables is a queue.

Can anyoone give me some hints about how to translate the code using 
core.logic? My idea is to translate the functions to relations and evaluate 
them inside a run, but all my attempts have failed.

For instance, the function to create a queue is (page 148):

fun {NewQueue} X in q(0 X X) end

where q is a recodr with slots N (number of elements in queue), the 
elements in the list are the difference list S#E.

my translation is

(defn newqueueo [q] 
   (fresh [x] 
      [0 x x]))

I tried to use records, but I've had some problems (maybe they can't be 
used) and I'm using vectors now.

Anyone has any hint? 


Juan Manuel

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