Can anyone point to Clojure code for detecting when two 3d shapes overlap, when 
given the [x y z] vertices of the two shapes?

The specific case I care about will always involve two regular tetrahedra (each 
of which is specified by 4 vertices), which may allow for special 
simplifications or efficiencies, but I'd be happy to have a more general 
solution as long as it's not weirdly slow.

I know that there are some sophisticated algorithms for doing this sort of 
thing (e.g. [1]), but the the algorithms I've found aren't trivial and the only 
source code I've found is pretty messy and would take some work to translate 
(e.g. from C). 

And I figure that if anybody is doing 3d stuff in Clojure then the code for 
this is probably floating around somewhere... but I haven't been able to find 

Does anyone know of (or want to write :-) code for this?

I guess that a Java solution would also be workable, if I the interop is 
straightforward enough, but it'd be nicer to have a working algorithm in 



[1] Fast tetrahedron-tetrahedron overlap algorithm. F. Ganovelli, F. Ponchio 
and C. Rocchini August 11, 2002.;jsessionid=862BA3F999652E3B0BC1E7A6A3E04D49?doi=

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