I'm willing to bet that both classloaders have the same clojure runtime in
a common base classloader.
i.e. that cl1.loadClass("clojure.lang.RT") ==

If the two clojure runtimes were distinct, the assert would indeed fail.
Also .equals return false and this assignment would fail: Keyword kw =
This would work: Object kw = getKwFromDifferentClassloader();

See here:

For reference: This is a printout of the return value of nrepl/start-server
in a completely separated classloader, save for bootstrap classes in the
java library (an architecture that I use for my services)

{#<Keyword :server-socket> #<ServerSocket ServerSocket[addr=,localport=4003]>,
 #<Keyword :port> 4003,
 #<Keyword :open-transports> #<Atom clojure.lang.Atom@77b8bd8>,
 #<Keyword :transport> #<transport$bencode
 #<Keyword :greeting> nil,
 #<Keyword :handler> #<middleware$wrap_conj_descriptor$fn__693
 #<Keyword :ss> #<ServerSocket ServerSocket[addr=,localport=4003]>}

Notice how the printer prints out the {} correctly, because it dispatches
on java.util.Map (a common base class from the bootstrap classloader), but
fails to recognize the Keywords of a different clojure runtime.
>From experiments, I can assure you that (not= :port #<Keyword :port>)
Similarly, assoc on this map would fail, because it's only recognized as a
j.u.Map, but not as a c.l.PersistentMap.


2014-02-12 17:45 GMT+01:00 Jozef Wagner <jozef.wag...@gmail.com>:

> Interning table uses keyword's symbol as a key, and the symbols are
> compared by value. See
> https://github.com/clojure/clojure/blob/master/src/jvm/clojure/lang/Keyword.java#L37
> On Wed, Feb 12, 2014 at 5:23 PM, Arkadiusz Komarzewski <
> akomarzew...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hi,
>> I wonder how is equality of keywords implemented in Clojure?
>> I have this piece of Java code executed in one classloader:
>> Keyword a = (Keyword) RT.var("clojure.core", "keyword").invoke("keyword");
>> Then, when I pass it to another part of my application (which uses
>> another classloader) and do this:
>> Keyword b = (Keyword) RT.var("clojure.core", "keyword").invoke("keyword");
>> assert a == b;
>> Assertion passes.
>> Why does it work? If I'm correct, keywords are interned, but since they
>> were created in separate classloaders shouldn't that assert fail?
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