You can put the computation into a future, and cancel the future after the 

BTW is it idiomatic to write to the timeout channel? I thought one should 
use something like (alts!! [c (timeout 1000)]).


On Wednesday, January 22, 2014 11:30:23 AM UTC+1, puzzler wrote:
> So far, this is the only way I've figured out that works:
> (defn try-fib [n]
>   (let [ch (timeout 1000)
>         th (Thread. #(>!! ch (fib n)))
>         _ (.start th)
>         answer (<!! ch)]
>     (if answer answer 
>       (do (.stop th) nil))))
> But there are a couple bazillion sources that say you should never, ever 
> stop a thread.  Is it perfectly safe in a situation like this where the 
> thread is running a pure function with no mutable state?
> Is there a better approach that is more integrated with core.async and 
> more safe?

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