Whoops… that's missing an all important (merge (into {} top)).

On Thursday, 16 January 2014 14:36:45 UTC, James wrote:
> Thanks for the pointers. I've gotten as far as grouping the keys by the 
> prefix using `group-by`, and added clunky support for keys that aren't 
> nested like so:
> ``` clj
> (defn- nested-key [k]
>   (some-> (re-matches #"^(.*)--(.*)$" (name k))
>           second
>           keyword))
> (defn nest-relations
>   "Walks the given hash-map, and moves any keys of the form
>   <group>--<key> into a nested hash-map."
>   [m]
>   (let [grouped (group-by (fn [[k _]] (or (nested-key k) ::top)) m)
>         top (::top grouped)]
>     (-> grouped
>         (dissoc ::top)
>         (merge top))))
> ```
> I end up with vectors instead of hash-maps, and I'm particularly happy 
> with the code, but it's getting there.
> On Thursday, 16 January 2014 13:58:45 UTC, Jim foo.bar wrote:
>> You could do something like this: 
>> (def v {:a--id 1 :a--name "A" :b--id 2 :b--name "B"}) 
>> (group-by #(-> % first str second str keyword) v) 
>> =>{:b [[:b--name "B"] [:b--id 2]], :a [[:a--id 1] [:a--name "A"]]} 
>> (reduce-kv #(assoc % %2 (into {} %3)) {} *1) 
>> => {:a {:a--id 1, :a--name "A"}, :b {:b--name "B", :b--id 2}} 
>> all that's left is the names in the inner map... 
>> HTH, 
>> Jim 
>> On 16/01/14 13:46, James Conroy-Finn wrote: 
>> > Hello all, 
>> > 
>> > I've found myself stuck trying to move matching keys in a hash into a 
>> > nested hash. 
>> > 
>> > For example,: 
>> > 
>> > {:a--id 1 :a--name "A" :b--id 2 :b--name "B"} ;=> {:a {:id 1 :name 
>> > "A"} :b {:id 2 :name "B"}} 
>> > 
>> > I've tried `clojure.walk`, I've tried building the args to `assoc-in`, 
>> > and using `apply`. I honestly feel like I'm missing something really 
>> > obvious, like something with group-by. 
>> > 
>> > Any tips would be greatly appreciated. I'll keep hammering away. 
>> > -- 
>> > -- 
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