Did you mean 

*(go (loop [ ... ]*

*      (case ...*

*        .. (func arg1 foo1)*

*        .. (func arg2 foo2)*

*        .. (func arg3 foo3)))*

*where (defn func [ ... ] (.. >! .. ))*
, as func (not foo) is the thing in function position?

Ignoring that, and working in a general sense:

I think that if the function you call into is synchronous, then you can 
just <! or >! from within the go block, and call the function in the normal 

However, if the function is asynchronous, I think it is probably best to 
make the function itself into a go machine, and just take! on the returned 
channel returned from the go machine. something like
(defn func [...] (go <DO 

calling it as 
(<! (func arg1 foo1)).

Performance wise, I am not clear how expensive it is to spin up a go 
machine every time you make a call to func vs just passing around a channel 
to be processed by a looping go machine. 

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