As Mauricio already mentioned, map is not meant to be used for 
side-effects, if you want to need to evaluate a sequence for side-effects, 
use doseq <> instead.
Regarding your first question about explicit loop-recur, i think it's 
reasonable way to write the functionality you want to achieve, even if the 
for macro is maybe
little more idiomatic and shorter/more concise, here is the comparison:

(def url-sequence (map #(str ""; %) 
(def download
  (loop [urls url-sequence lst []]
    (let [u (first urls)
          r (rest urls)
          resp (client/get u)
          next (re-find #"(s?)title=\"next page\">Next &gt;&gt;" (:body resp))
          segments ((html2data (:body resp)) :segment)
          data (map segment2data segments)]
      (if next 
        (recur r (conj lst data))
        (conj lst data)))))
(def download
  (->> (for [url url-sequence
             :let [body (:body (client/get url))
                   next-pages (re-find #"(s?)title=\"next page\">Next &gt;&gt;" 
             :while next-pages]
         (map segment2data (-> body (html2data) :segment))))
       (into []))

Also note that i didn't use local binding named next, but instead i named it 
next-pages, because next
local name could lead to surprise if you forget that you aliased something to 
next and try to use clojure
core next function :)

Dňa pondelok, 13. januára 2014 15:49:50 UTC+1 Kashyap CK napísal(-a):
> Hi,
> I've been dabbling with Clojure for a bit and I am really loving it!!!
> I am trying to write a clojure program to download a bunch of URLs and I 
> was wondering what is the right way to do it - 
> My current implementation is as follows
> (def url-sequence (map #(str ""; %) 
> (range)))
> (def download
>   (loop [urls url-sequence lst []]
>     (let
>         [
>          u (first urls)
>          r (rest urls)
>          resp (client/get u)
>          next (re-find #"(s?)title=\"next page\">Next &gt;&gt;" (:body 
> resp))
>          segments ((html2data (:body resp)) :segment)
>          data (map segment2data segments)
>          ]
>       (if next 
>         (recur r (conj lst data))
>         (conj lst data)))))
> I was wondering if I could replace the loop thingy with a map - that is 
> when I experimented with a simple piece of code and found something that 
> was not intuitive.
> I'd really appreciate it if someone could tell me what's going on when I 
> do the following -
> user> (defn xx [] (map println [1 2 3 4 5 6]))
> #'user/xx
> user> (take 2 (xx))
> (1
> 2
> 3
> 4
> 5
> 6
> nil nil)
> user> 
> Regards,
> Kashyap

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