On Jan 9, 2014, at 6:33 PM, Stuart Sierra wrote:

> I wrote clojure.walk, but I don't usually recommend it for anything but 
> casual use.
> clojure.walk very general, so it's not going to be the most efficient 
> approach. When you know more details about the data structure you're working 
> with, as in this case, you can make something that will be faster and more 
> space-efficient.
> -S

As someone who has gotten lots of productive casual use of it, I thank you!

I'm wondering, though -- shouldn't it be possible to build the same general 
functionality on something like zippers and iteration rather than recursion, so 
that the JVM recursion limit wouldn't be an issue?

It might also be nice to flag the issue somehow in the docs, since most of 
Clojure seems to avoid this kind of recursion/limit.


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