I can't speak for whether this is a truly idiomatic way of doing this, but 
this is a macro i've been using for this case.

(defmacro plet [bindings & body]  "Just like let, but evaluates bindings in 
parallel"  (let [bindings (partition-all 2 bindings)        destructs (map 
first bindings)        expressions (map second bindings)        vars 
(repeatedly (count bindings) gensym)]    `(let [~@(mapcat (fn [var expr] `[~var 
(future ~expr)]) vars expressions)           ~@(mapcat (fn [destr var] `[~destr 
(deref ~var)]) destructs vars)]       ~@body)))

This gives me a similar construct to let, but with each binding evaluated 
in parallel using a future. For small sets i think this is less overhead 
than pmap - note that unlike the traditional let, this will not handle 
multiple bindings for the same variable properly.

Usage would then be

(plet [a (http/get "url1")
       b (http/get "url2")]
  (vec a b))

Or similar

On Tuesday, 31 December 2013 08:46:53 UTC, chinmoy debnath wrote:
> I am a newbie in clojure. I need to send multiple http requests in 
> parallel and need to have a call back when response for each request come 
> back. What will be the idiomatic way of doing it in clojure?
> Thanks in advacne

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