hi , guys
I wrote the following codes to parse log files.
it's alright to parse small one.
But with big log files , i got the following error:
"OutOfMemoryError GC overhead limit exceeded  clojure.core/line-seq

(defn parse-file
  (with-open [rdr (io/reader file)]
    (println "Statistic result : " (parse-recur rdr))))

(defn parse-recur
  (let [lines (line-seq rdr)
        counts (count lines)]
    (loop [len counts
           res {}]
      (if (zero? len)
        (recur (dec len)
                 (update-res res (nth lines (- counts len))))))))

(defn update-res
  [res line]
  (let [params (string/split line #",")
        id     (if (> (count params) 1) (params 0) "0")]
       (if (res id)
         (update-in res [id] inc)
         (assoc res id 1))))

How can fix this bug ?
and how to optimize this produce to run faster ?

Any suggestion will be appreciated~



刘家齐 (Jacky Liu)

手机:15201091195        邮箱:liujiaq...@gmail.com

Skype:jacky_liu_1987   QQ:406229156

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