On Tue 27 Aug 2013 at 07:42:53PM -0700, Mikera wrote:

> On Wednesday, 28 August 2013 09:54:51 UTC+8, guns wrote:
> >
> > On Wed 28 Aug 2013 at 09:38:06AM +0800, Mike Anderson wrote:
> >
> > > Of course, if anyone has an actual technical argument why it is
> > > necessary/better to use nil as a sentinel value, I would be delighted to
> > > learn of it and would consider myself enlightened.
> >
> > Forgive me if someone already mentioned this, but isn't this simply a
> > consequence of building on the existing Java Queue implementations?
> >
> > Quoting http://docs.oracle.com/javase/7/docs/api/java/util/Queue.html:
> >
> >     Queue implementations generally do not allow insertion of null
> >     elements, although some implementations, such as LinkedList, do not
> >     prohibit insertion of null. Even in the implementations that permit
> >     it, null should not be inserted into a Queue, as null is also used
> >     as a special return value by the poll method to indicate that the
> >     queue contains no elements.
> I don't think that this necessarily implies that we have to follow
> this model in the future Clojure API though. The Java designers didn't
> always get everything right :-)

I agree with you that this is an inconvenience. The bit about avoiding
null even in collections that support null elements because poll uses
null as a sentinel value is a classic leaky abstraction.

That said, I haven't found designing around it to be a terrible
nuisance. I often use queues as messaging channels, so it is natural to
simply send maps or tuples instead of atomic values.

> As for "configurable sentinel value": I'm less sure that there's
> a need for this. In fact, I think it's more useful to guarantee a
> standard sentinel value so that different channel-handling code can
> interoperate. I just think that this sentinel shouldn't be nil (or
> any other regular Clojure value). A simple singleton object that is
> privately owned by core.async should suffice?

Oh, I was confused; I was thinking about sentinel values in user code.
Yes, I imagine a single private (Object.) would work just fine, with
very little overhead.


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